Posted by Ed Mullen on 04/23/06 03:14
Neredbojias wrote:
> To further the education of mankind, Ed Mullen <ed@edmullen.net>
> vouchsafed:
>>> I'm sure the devil in me will make me check it out - strictly against
>>> my better judgment, of course. :)
>> It's interesting, at least from an academic standpoint. Not sure that
>> I'd employ it on my site. Perhaps the best approach would be to make
>> the animation cycle a specific number of times and then go static (as
>> some of the following do). Still, some interesting examples:
>> http://www.google.com/search?query=animated%20favicons&num=50
>> http://www.999tutorials.com/tutorial-create-an-animated-favicon.html
>> http://www.pod1.com/
>> http://www.daredigital.com/
>> http://www.pokelondon.com/
> They were interesting, but I think I'm really a traditionalist at heart. I
> might use one on a small "fronting" page or something but probably not on a
> main site page. I noticed at least 2 of those links had top-level Flash
> includes, too (-which I didn't get as I don't have the plugin installed,
> hooray!)
Yeah, I'm not overly enamored of flash (or Flash) on Web sites. "Just
the FAQs, Ma'am." Sigh. I guess I'm just a Joe Friday kinda guy.
Still, it's like everything else. Remember when the Web was pretty much
just text? Then everyone went nuts with special effects and GIFs etc.
And it (kinda) settled down and reason (a bit) prevailed.
Reminds of when I worked in TV production waaaay back and we got Chroma
Key and wipes and spiffy switcher transitions. Every freaking talking
head interview show had the director exercising the "new" technology and
every cut from the host to the guest became a guessing game of "... uh,
should it be a diagonal wipe or a pixelated dissolve?" SHUT UP, YOU
IDIOT! It's a freaking CUT from one face to another!!!
Sigh. Sorry, old age creeping in again. I think I'll just go get
another Makers Mark and contemplate my navel. If I do that long enough
maybe it'll just blow over. ;-)
Ed Mullen
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