Posted by Dino on 04/24/06 15:37
dear all,
i got this script form a customer. in general, it recieves data which is send
via http to a server and generates a .xml file from this data.
because i'm not familar with .asp, i'm totally lost transferring this script
to php. i don't understand which way the data is recieved and how it's saved.
as long this ia a very short script, i post it here. it would bne GREAT if
someone could give me some tipps on how to migrate this whole thing to PHP
and how it recieves the data via http.
thanks a lot in advance,
---------- [SCRIPT START] -----------
dim objXML
dim lngRet
set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0")
on error resume next
' set basic XML parser settings
objXML.Async = False
' optional beide Werte auf true
objXML.ValidateOnParse = False
objXML.resolveExternals = False
Response.Expires = -1000
' V3.0(+) of XML parser allows loading of the Request object
lngRet = objXML.Load(Request)
if lngRet = True then
call objXML.Save(Server.MapPath("LastReceivedDocument.xml"))
response.write "<cXML><Response>" & _
"<Status code=" & chr(34) & "200" & chr(34) & " text=" &
chr(34) & "OK" & chr(34) & "/>" & _
"</Response>" & _
response.write "<cXML><Response><Status code='404' text='Error loading
end if
set objXML = nothing
---------- [SCRIPT END] -----------
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