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Re: Which browser to write for??

Posted by Neredbojias on 04/24/06 23:24

To further the education of mankind, "Travis Newbury"
<> vouchsafed:

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> Design for other browsers first, then possibly add some fixes for the IE
>> bugs. Make sure you are using a DOCTYPE that triggers standard and not
>> quirks mode.
> Why design for the minority and try to put fixes in for the majority?
> (Sounds like a liberal thing, but I won't go there right now)

Simply because other browsers respond much more correctly to correct markup
than does IE6.

> IE is still the most used browser there, so wouldn't it be prudent to
> make sure it works correctly in IE FIRST, then make the needed fixes
> for everything else?

No, not prudent at all. Unwise.

Infinity has its limits.



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