Posted by Janwillem Borleffs on 05/27/05 22:36
Ing. David Mιndez wrote:
> I have the folllowing problem:
> In a html page I show several 'buttons'. This buttons have a
> onclick="Agregar([a number])". The 'Agregar(number)' function calls a
> php file. This php file UPDATES a row in a MYSQL database using the
> number. Up to here is OK.
> I don't want to show the: "?m=number" (in the URL, when I call the
> pHP file)
> or best... That the PHP files runs transparentely.
> or at least with a POST method to send the parameters (number)
Use an iframe to call the PHP file, which can reload the parent page with
javascript when finished. Note that for this to work, both files should run
on the same domain.
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