Posted by "Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)" on 05/27/05 21:16
I have a PEAR-related question. My class library using some PEAR
packages, and I would like to make it self-contained, i.e. to be able
to move it to a server (for example MacOS X) which do not have (and
will not require) installation of any PEAR package(s).
What I would like to do is just to copy whole PEAR directory from
the /usr/share/php5 in the corresponding subdir of my class library.
The question is - how to make this work transparently. What global
php_ini variables need to be changed? Just ¨include_path¨ or anything
Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).
*** with best regards
*** Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru)
*** Mac, Linux, DTP, Programming Web Site
*** http://snow.prohosting.com/guru4mac/
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