Posted by Andy Jeffries on 10/27/03 11:46
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 15:18:25 -0400, Shelly wrote:
> Actually, all he need do is on the homepage <?php $page="something" ?>
> and on all pages do
> if (isset($page)) {
> ...
> } else {
> ...
> }
> }
But be wary of using it for anything more than changing a link like this,
if you're running with register_globals on (I know, it's not good
practice, but there may still be some old installations or those upgraded
and kept for compatibility).
At least Kevin's version would have checked for the exact value he set
(rather than yours that would be got round with www.foo.com?page=1)
Just pointing it out for less experienced PHPers.
Andy Jeffries MBCS CITP ZCE | gPHPEdit Lead Developer
http://www.gphpedit.org | PHP editor for Gnome 2
http://www.andyjeffries.co.uk | Personal site and photos
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