Posted by David Dorward on 11/24/01 11:46
ironcorona wrote:
> I disagree. What else, then, is the point of the <code> tag if not to
> be used to display the exact content of the tag
To state that the data being marked up is code (and thus to allow the user
agent to inform the user of the fact).
> Most of those old tags should be depreciated because you can you the
> "class" or "id" attribute to mark off specific areas, as per the ideal
> of separating style from content: using <span> or <div> in conjunction
> with CSS is just as useful.
"This section is text is some code" is not "style".
> <code> would be much more useful to show areas of plaintext which the
> browser doesn't mark up.
As mentioned previously, I often markup code that requires further markup
within the section of code.
David Dorward <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/> <http://dorward.me.uk/>
Home is where the ~/.bashrc is
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