Posted by ironcorona on 11/24/94 11:46
David Dorward wrote:
> ironcorona wrote:
>> I disagree. What else, then, is the point of the <code> tag if not to
>> be used to display the exact content of the tag
> To state that the data being marked up is code (and thus to allow the user
> agent to inform the user of the fact).
>> Most of those old tags should be depreciated because you can you the
>> "class" or "id" attribute to mark off specific areas, as per the ideal
>> of separating style from content: using <span> or <div> in conjunction
>> with CSS is just as useful.
> "This section is text is some code" is not "style".
>> <code> would be much more useful to show areas of plaintext which the
>> browser doesn't mark up.
> As mentioned previously, I often markup code that requires further markup
> within the section of code.
Actually, I was coming back to delete that comment. I made a complete
arse of the argument. I was infact, arguing the wrong thing. Please ignore.
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