Posted by brian.newman@wpafb.af.mil on 05/03/06 21:02
I want a textbox which has " - - " in it. If the first character
the user types in the text field is "1", then the text field will
change to "1 - - ". If the first two characters the user types in
the field are " 1", then the text field will change to " 1- - ". If
the first three characters the user types are " 11", then the text
field will change to " 1-1 - " and so forth.
I'd like to stay away from select tags if possible in this case since,
in my opinion, it takes more time for a user to use three drop down
list (one for the year, one for the month, and one for the day) than it
does for the user to type the six characters of text.
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