Posted by David Dorward on 05/03/06 22:56
EN wrote:
>> Suprising given that Microsoft's browser doesn't support XHTML.
> why do you think that? IE6 has no problems, and IE7 works fluently too.
> I tried IE6 on Windows 2000 and NT4 as well and it just works on my xhtml
> compliant site.
An HTTP resource served as text/html is supposed to be treated as tag soup
HTML, not as XHTML. Given a document served as application/xhtml+xml,
Internet Explorer will, by default, prompt the user to download it.
(Serving XHTML as text/html makes using XHTML pointless, and requires that
you follow the guidelines in Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 spec ... which
depend on a bug in how the majority[1] of browsers handle <foo />). Search
an archive of newsgroup for the specifics.
[1] Not all, just the majority
David Dorward <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/> <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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