Posted by JDS on 05/04/06 16:38
On Thu, 04 May 2006 13:14:35 +0000, Mike Azzopardi wrote:
> Thank you Edwin, you've just taught me <A> classes and it all works fine :-)
There are other ways to do it, as well. For example, giving the enclosing
block (in your case a <td> -- a bad idea, but I'll get to that in a
minnit) a class (or id) and then referencing all <a>'s within that
enclosing block.
<style type="text/css">
td.menu a{
color: #fff;
td.menu a:hover{
color: #000;
<td class="menu">
<a href="butts">Butts</a>
.... Something like that.
I'd like to point out two glaring issues with your code (that I know you
weren't asking for input on, but I'm giving it anyway):
1) Don't use <FONT> tags!
2) Don't use <TABLE>s for layout
I think (1) is probably more important and easier to do away with. I mean,
you are clearly using CSS for a certain amount of styling already, so why
use <FONT> tags? Oh! I know! DREAMWEAVER. Ugh. DW is fine for some things
but it needs to be carefully reigned in and watched over to prevent it
from doing stuff that it shouldn't.
<soapbox>IMO, the greatest hazard to novice Web Developers is using a
crutch like Dreamweaver to LEARN HTML. Learn HTML very very very well
first, and then, if you like DW's interface or tools or whatever, then
use it. But do not start coding HTML and CSS with DW right away.</soapbox>
allright, later...
JDS | jeffrey@example.invalid
| http://www.newtnotes.com
DJMBS | http://newtnotes.com/doctor-jeff-master-brainsurgeon/
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