Posted by Ed Mullen on 05/04/06 18:52
JDS wrote:
> On Wed, 03 May 2006 13:09:11 -0700, jzkilmer wrote:
>> As you know, the schools are in financial straights
>> and cannot afford several copies of DW even though that would be my
>> first choice.
> Why would that be your first choice? First graders using Dreamweaver? DW
> Is actually quite a complex program.
> Try Mozilla Composer. It is FREE. It is a part of the Mozilla suite. I'm
> talking the full version of Mozilla, not "Firefox". It is really a pretty
> good WYSIWYG HTML editor -- I don't know why it isn't recommended more
> often!
> http://www.mozilla.org/products/mozilla1.x/
Instead of the Mozilla Suite anyone interested should get SeaMonkey.
Mozilla.org has stopped development of the Moz Suite except for a few
more security fixes. An independent group is carrying on the suite
development in the form of SeaMonkey.
Also, the composer that is part of both Mozilla and SeaMonkey hasn't
been updated in ages. The key developer of Composer is also the
developer of Nvu, which is current and more advanced.
Ed Mullen
Is there another word for synonym?
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