Posted by Mark Parnell on 05/05/06 05:41
Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, "C. Osbourne"
<Cosbourne1@hotmail.com> declared in alt.html:
> Is anyone here, aware of any existing HTML
> code or package that will forward the user to
> one of 5-10 other web sites, in a transparent
> fashion, keeping track of who was sent where?
No - HTML can't *do* anything. But what you want would be relatively
simple to implement using any server-side language, such as PHP.
> I can't be the first one that has a need for this.
Probably not. :-)
> Is there a common name for this type of
> application, or a plug and play HTML package
> that is for sale that does this type of thing?
I've never had cause to look for one, so couldn't say. But try
http://hotscripts.com/ - chances are there will be something there for
Mark Parnell
My Usenet is improved; yours could be too:
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