Posted by mbstevens on 05/06/06 03:15
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>> "Jonathan N. Little" <> skrev i meddelandet
>> news:445bdca6$0$3689$
>>> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> When you click on "install now" on this page
>>>> you open a window.
>>>> In this window you get a message
>>>> that Web developer 1.0.2
>>>> is unsigned
>>> because it will steal your first born...
>>> Just install it Luigi, I have installed on my Firefox, there is no
>>> terrorist threat in the extension and it would *really* be helpful for
>> you.
>> Sorry, that was no good explanation.
> Why am I not surprised
Luigi is a huge fan of Semiotics.
He seems to be so caught up in metalinguistic niceties that a
straight forward sentence has almost no meaning for him.
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