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Re: Getting a table to size correctly.

Posted by Leonard Blaisdell on 05/06/06 08:19

In article
dorayme <> wrote:

> In article
> <>,
> Leonard Blaisdell <> wrote:
> > In article <b_Q6g.2661$>,
> > "Domestos" <andy.mak@virgin.netspam> wrote:

> > > on the right first goes behind the text and then blends into the yellow
> > > box
> > > on the left... IMHO that is bad design !!!
> >
> > It is hardly bad design. There is a certain point in the horizontal
> > narrowing of all web pages where the design breaks down. Content either
> > coalesces as in the above example, jumps down or disappears.
> > Yet it's still a far more forgiving medium than the printed page.

> I agree with Leo. But, to be fair to Domestos, table layouts
> don't have this particular breakdown.

Sure they do. Drag a window with a table in it far enough to the left
and the table contents start to disappear once all the columns have
collapsed to their minimum.
My blather was universal and not constrained to non-table layout.
Geeze! ;-)





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