Posted by Hywel Jenkins on 10/20/10 11:17
In article <gyhme.9046$RG2.1653@newsfe6-gui.ntli.net>, nospam@home.com
> "Hywel Jenkins" <hywel.jenkins@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:MPG.1d03a92b8dcd082f9896e3@news.eclipse.net.uk...
> > In article <WDgme.9016$RG2.8261@newsfe6-gui.ntli.net>, nospam@home.com
> > says...
> > > I am looking for a simple feedback form html sent to my email address
> that
> > > basically has a name field, email address field and the message contents
> > > that doesn't utilise cgi or need rontpage extensions anybody direct me
> to
> > > where i can find such a simple html?
> >
> > You won't. The form will need some sort of CGI, be it written in PERL,
> > PHP or one o' them new-fangled Microsoft technologies. Someone will
> > probably suggest mailto. Ignore them.
<topposting status="fixed" />
> what is the best cgi script will I need installed to send a feedback form in
> my cgi folder? (need a rough idea) I have the html code however I dont have
> front page extensions on my server so I get a --webbot--- msg
Dunno. Depends. Go to http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ and find one you
Drop Frontpage while you're at it. As you can't use the FP extensions
you need to get an understanding of how forms work.
Kill the Crazy Frog
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