Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/06/06 18:46
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> skrev i meddelandet
>> Don't know I said. Maybe you confused the beejeebers out of it, you have
>> a gift with confusion.
> Sorry, but I think you are wrong.
I may not be alone in my opinion
> I agree on that it is better to close tags but I also rely on validators.
> Perhaps I should not but the fact is that they also let me spare a lot of
> time.
No, a validator is a good and useful tool, but are it is not a
substitute for knowing what you are doing. Employing a number of things
can be helpful to better markup. 'Prettier' markup as I mentioned can
have a functional purpose of making it easier to identify mistakes and
easier to maintain a document as you make changes over time.
It is not 'this *or* that', as your attitude seems to be to do one thing
at the exclusion of another, but rather a 'this *and* that' can be the
best approach. I'd advise continuing to use the validator, *and* also
get the Web Developers Bar for Firefox with tools that *would* help you
analyze your markup, *and* use more than one browser for development,
*and* be more receptive to advice from folks who know what they are
doing, *and* since you appear to value education maybe take a course in
web design?
Take care,
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