Posted by Sue Rodgers on 05/07/06 00:18
Donald McDaniel <orthocross@invalid.net> wrote:
> Call me what what you will, sir, but NEVER call me a liar.
And just what do you propose we call you instead when you're lying?
When I previously caught you in a lie and documented it, you did not
respond to my post. Or do you not recall your response in the other
thread when I asked you why you felt it necessary to bring up the
subject of religion. To refresh you memory, you lied in saying you did
not do so, that you merely continued the discussion, when you DID, in
fact, initiate the subject.
Meanwhile, now I feel compelled to ask why you felt it necessary to
bring up the subject of religion in THIS thread.
Rivers belong where they can ramble, eagles belong where they can fly...
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