Posted by Chaddy2222 on 05/07/06 09:13
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> There is a preliminary review for accessibility here
> http://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/preliminary.html
> but it would be interesting to hear what people who are disabled think and
> which problems they have today to
> read/hear the page
> https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/sv/faktaomitalien.php
Provide the bloody thing in English and we might have better luck.
Also, you have way to much info on that main page, you might want to
consider splitting it up a bit better.
As far as Screen Readers go, most can read a basic page quite well, if
you want to know more then the best thing you can do is download a demo
of one and try it out, or use a text only browser such as Lynx.
Even my site looks ok with Lynx.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.cjb.cc
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