Posted by David Segall on 05/08/06 17:48
"Michael Laplante" <nowhereman@twilightzone.net> wrote:
>So what are your thoughts? At what point do YOU decide how a site should
>look rather than leaving it to a user? How much do you compromise
>accessibility for design considerations such as layout, graphics, etc.?
Why should the "philosophy of web site design" differ from any other
design? The design of a newspaper, magazine, automobile or anything
else depends on the target audience. There is an expectation,
sometimes compulsion, to adhere to certain standards but the main aim
is to appeal to a target audience. As you have observed with web
sites, there is also pressure to conform to the current fashionable
This site <http://www.artwhatson.com.au/> is intended to appeal to art
galleries and artists. It may be difficult to navigate but how many
galleries would they attract if it resembled the workman-like style of
<http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.html>. Similarly, nobody
interested in Jukka'a content would bother with it if it looked like
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