Posted by Mwob on 05/08/06 17:00
We have been using ADO and the AddNew method for a long time as a means
to add records to the database. It has always worked fine - no problem.
But - we recently started using INSERT triggers that simply call a few
stored procs (they're actually SSNS stored procs that send new event
info to notification services). Anyway, these triggers do not seem to
fire at all! If I execute an insert command manually from Query
Analyser, no problems. But the trigger does not fire at all from my
Does anyone know why this could be? For info, my connection string used
by the ADO connection object looks like this: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data
Source=XXX;Initial Catalog=YYY
And my AddRecord ADO code looks like this:
With rs
.Open sSQL, ConnectionString, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,
adCmdTable And adExecuteNoRecords
Am I mnissing something obvious here? Any help appreciated!
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