Posted by Justin on 05/08/06 11:35
Hi, i need some help on this urgently... Thanx.... The situation is
like this, i need to find out the way to convert Chinese characters
into hexa code. but the problem is what i got from bin2hex() is not
giving the desired output. below is the sample of what i want:
input : 新聞首頁
output: 65B0805E99969801 (this is the output from some converter for
non english language UCS)
output: %e6%96%b0%e8%81%9e%e9%a6%96%e9%a0%81 (this is the output from
the same converter for url encoded)
for the converter which i did myself i got something like this.
input: 新聞首頁
output: e696b0e8819ee9a696e9a081 (this is from php bin2hex() )
output: %E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E%E9%A6%96%E9%A0%81 (this is from php
urlencode() )
Can anyone tell me what is the correct way to get the output for non
english language UCS ( output: 65B0805E99969801)? as what i know the
converter was done by asp, but i need php now. thanx...
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