Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/11/06 15:55
Jacques Jamain wrote:
> hi Jerry,
> Wed, 10 May 2006 17:58:54 -0400
> comp.lang.php -- Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> écrivait (wrote):
>>Jacques Jamain wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> in a dhtml page generated from php I want to include a file which is
>>> in fact the body of the dhtml page. My hosting ISP does not allow SSI
>>> but supports php includes. In the dhtml page, the generated statment
>>> <?php include('fspecs') ?>
>>> is ignored. I've the feeling that I'm overlooking something in the
>>> way php is parsing dhtml (if it does). The dhtml code saved in a file
>>> execute correctly after that...
>>> Any hints about this?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>What do you mean "ignored"?
> ... intended code in 'fspecs' not included ...
>>Have you looked at the source for the page when it gets to your browser?
>>Perhaps it's there and you don't see it.
> yes, the <?php include('fspecs') ?> statment is there, well generated
> by php at server side but not processed and now it becomes obvious
> to me that it cannot be processed at client side, too late...
> My problem seems to be (or could be): "how to force php to work recursively"
> Anyway thanks to take care...
> had a good day
No, PHP is never processed client-side. So if you're trying to add it inline,
i.e. with echo, it won't work.
Several ways you can do this. You can use a template processor. You can use
eval to execute the code (my personal least favorite). You can write it to a
temporary file then include the file. And probably several other ways.
But why generate the statement in the first place? Why not just execute the
statement instead?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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