Posted by Neredbojias on 10/16/40 11:47
To further the education of mankind, "Michael Laplante"
<nowhereman@twilightzone.net> vouchsafed:
>> Do you really need to do something in script to have the menu work
>> the way you want it to?
> Suckerfish -- as Toby suggested -- would work terrific, if not for
> that damn IE thing.
Suckerfish... Apparently you're seeking an inline list with dropdown
>> For that reason, navigation should
>> never rely on script; if used at all, script should only enhanced the
>> operation of a viable stand-alone system.
> 52 items makes any sort of a "list" unworkable. :(
Not true. I don't think this is what you want, but have a quick gander at
my homepage (which is nothing but a big list capable of hundreds or even
thousands of items.):
>> Toby can be aloof and choleric
> ?! I find him one of the more non-judgemental, helpful people here --
> can't say I've ever seen a cranky response from him.
I did not mean to suggest he was unhelpful or pedantic, or that he wasn't a
really nice guy under the curious facade. "Odd" might have been a better
Infinity has its limits.
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