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Re: New Website - critique/feedback requested

Posted by Jim Moe on 10/10/31 11:47

Richard Thoms wrote:
>> - Uses a Transitional DTD. Should be Strict.
> I had strict on for a while and could not make it pass. It's definitely
> something I want to work toward though.
HTML Strict mostly means moving the presentation aspects into stylesheets.
You only have five errors anyway on the index page. Trivial to finish it.

>> - Ancient tables-abused-for-layout style.
> That's me all the way! This is my first major web project and I just
> couldn't get a handle or control of <div> and float. It is something I
> want to learn more about and convert that way. Tables were much easier
> for me to understand. But I'm learning!
You can get most of the way there by not nesting tables. Use a single
table to layout the page, use HTML+CSS to do the rest. Later on the final
step is much easier.
Look into the "Cascading" part of CSS. It can reduce the size of the
page noticeably. For instance, for the dropdown menu you have <div
class="section"> that contains a list of <a>s, each with an explicit
class="item2". Instead you can define ".section a {...}" which has all the
rules in .item2. There is no longer a need for the .item2 class.

>> - Unreadable small font size: 12px, 75% of my preferred size.
> Others have commented the same. I'll fix both. Don't know if I can get
> to 16px. You know I based some of this by looking at the ever popular
> websites (yahoo, amazon, etc) and they run super small fonts. But I
> agree that ABAP (as big as possible) should be the rule.
The general rule is: make it smaller on your display, not mine.
Going with the herd can take you over a cliff.

>> - The menu item borders do not line up with the curved images.
> This is something I could never get to reconcile between IE and Firefox.
> Firefox shows it right but IE has this problem.
Interesting. I am using Mozilla Seamonkey; it has the same rendering
engine as Firefox. And the parts do not line up.

jmm (hyphen) list (at) sohnen-moe (dot) com
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