Posted by "tony yau" on 11/26/44 11:17
I realised that there is a fundamental problem with using mysql_query( ...)
to run a .sql script to setup a database, and that was the database needs to
be there in the first place for php to connect to! also there was a lot of
comment lines in the script that was causing problem. ... so I gave up
trying to parse the file.
instead I did this
1) create the database with phpmyadmin etc
2) remove (by hand) all comment lines from the .sql file
and then include the file
include 'installation.sql';
$contents = ob_get_contents();
not very good but does the job.
thanks for all the help
tony yau
"Rory Browne" <rory.browne@gmail.com> wrote in message
I'm assuming that the .sql file consists of a list of MySQL queries,
that when performed sequentially will set up your system.
That being the case, the perfered way ot install the thing is to do a
'mysql [host/username/password parameters] < file.sql'.
I believe you can also run file.sql scripts using phpMyAdmin.
If you were to define a mysql_run_script() function, it would look a
bit like the following:
function mysql_run_script($file){
$sql = file_get_contents($file);
$queries = split_sql_into_individual_sql_queries($sql);
foreach($queries as $query){
Come to think of it, you could turn the above pseudo code into valid
php code, by defining the split_sql_into_individual_sql_queries()
function. This would involve splitting by ';', taking into account the
possibility that ';' may occur in the middle of a string.
Check out the code for phpmyadmin, or phpbb(db backup/recover
feature), for a better idea.
On 5/27/05, tony yau <tony.yau@emigen.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I got this .sql script that setup the whole db schema, I can run
> mysql.exe to run on my pc but when it goes to a hosting company's server I
> don't have that command!
> So I tried to include("setup.sql") into a string and send that as one
> long sql query. BUT I need to get rid of all the comment lines first in
> script!!
> can someone give me a better idea of doing this.
> (there must be an equivalent php function like
> mysql_run_script("setup.sql"))
> thanks
> --
> Tony Yau
> --
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