Posted by Richard Lynch on 01/19/05 00:48
> What I don't know how to do yet is to make the hidden image "disappear"
> into
> the main image when it's not highlighted.
Sorry to double-post, but...
You MIGHT want to sit down with PhotoShop as described in the HowTo page
and select 100 images at random, and try to do it by hand.
You can keep track of your results and the quality thereof, and what you
did with each image pair to make it work.
Perhaps using phpMyAdmin to store/sort all your data and trial results, to
stay on topic :-)
After you've done a hundred by hand, knowing what to do in PHP may be
Or at least something you can manage.
Or you'll realize just how impossible it is to generalize what to do
without having a human eyeball and human brain to do the work, which I
suspect is the case here...
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