Posted by on 05/15/06 19:14
I must say I agree with parent. A good example would be the subtle
difference between "God" and "god". These do *not* mean the same thing.
"Kimmo Laine" <spam@outolempi.net> wrote in message
> "Tony Marston" <tony@NOSPAM.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:e49mta$pvm$1$8300dec7@news.demon.co.uk...
>> "Andy Jeffries" <news@andyjeffries.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:pan.2006.
>>> On Sun, 14 May 2006 16:38:26 +0100, Tony Marston wrote:
>>>> The removal of case-insensitive functions names would be a totally
>>>> WRONG
>>>> move IMHO as it would serve no useful purpose. The argument "to be
>>>> consistent with other languages"
>>> I'd say a better argument would be so it's consistent with itself.
>>> Variable names and member variables are case-sensitive so it's counter
>>> intuitive to a beginner to have the language partially case-sensitive.
>>> Just MHO....
>> But if a language allows the same name to mean different things if
>> specified in a different case this could lead to code which is confusing
>> and therefore difficult to maintain. It *should* be the primary objective
>> of every language to avoid such features instead of deliberately
>> implementing them. This is why the GOT verb is frowned upon and excluded
>> from many languages, and why the ALTER verb in COBOL is considered an
>> absolute no-no.
>> In the English language a word has only one meaning regardless of case
>> (such as 'dog', 'Dog' and 'DOG') so why should computer languages be any
>> different?
> WeLL IF that IS iNdEED the CAse That CapS Don'T MATTER at all in ENgliSH
> then why DO You SupPose We HaVE them IN thE FIRST PlacE? If IT dOEsN'T
> MAKE AnY DIFfeRence TheN WHY is Writing likE This annoying? I say that
> they DO have more than one meaning. Why do we write spoken languagues like
> English starting each sentence or name with a capital letter and the rest
> in small letters? It's just a set of rules, and when spoken the caps
> doen't mean anything.
> Why do we have these rules then? To distinct certain differences, to
> improve readability of the writing. For instance 'Jack' and 'jack' mean
> different things. With a capital J Jack is someone's name, but with a
> lower case j it could mean a microphone plug or a jack hammer. Equally in
> PHP it's common practise that defined constants are written with CAPITALS
> and mostly everything else in lowercase. Likewise it's traditional to
> write SQL KEYWORDS in capital and fieldnames in lowercase in an SQL query.
> There _is_ a difference between small and capitals, you just fail to see
> it because you're clinging to the fact that PHP is a spoken language
> (which it is not).
> --
> "ohjelmoija on organismi joka muuttaa kofeiinia koodiksi" -lpk
> spam@outolempi.net | Gedoon-S @ IRCnet | rot13(xvzzb@bhgbyrzcv.arg)
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