Posted by robert on 05/15/06 22:29
| Actually, it didn't. Reread it a little better and include the stuff you
| snipped out in your post. Plus there is no size attribute.
right...i wondered. ;^)
| I'm sorry and I don't mean to come of persnickety but this particular
| abuse of HTML is a pet peeve of mine. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use the
| width and height tags to resize images. Say, for example, as a
| "thumbnail".
perfectly ok. h/w work ok but give differening results...i usually do all
this on the server side.
| If you do not understand what width and height are for, and do not have
| the wherewithal to learn how to use an image editor (say, photoshop or
| equvialent), then please, pay me or one of the other thousands of
| professional web developer/designers to do it for you. We need the work!
i've got plenty to throw your way...i'm a professional developer and don't
want to mess w/ graphics...yuck! (lol).
| On a side note, and to respond to the last part of your last post, "the op
| is most likely going to want to have the images display uniformly" --
| Never ever just uniformly resize images to the same dimensions. There is
| something called "aspect ratio" and it is not meant to be tampered with.
| You just may rend a hole in the Universe.
by uniformity, i means that the aspect ratio is kept the same whilst scaling
the overall image height/width (take your pick) to a limited size...w/
aspect ratio locked, you simply limit one measurement to the limit. i posted
php code that does this...it's in this thread as a matter o fact.
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