Posted by gg9h0st on 05/16/06 11:36
it's not vailable to make a variable named start with number like $0var
but while i do something i wrote the code like below.
it works while it seems like there's a variable named $1 :P
so now i'm interested in how i can access that on the other way.
i can't code to access that like [[ $1; ]] neither [[ $GLOBALS[1] or
$GLOBALS['1'] ]]
because $GLOBALS array has '1' key but not 1(number)
as u can see [[ ["v"]=> string(1) "1" ["1"]=> string(4) "this" ]] at
the end of $GLOBALS output. it prints [1] for numberic key 1.
is there other ways i can access that varialbe except using variable
#this is header
$v = '1';
$$v = 'this';
echo "${$v}" . '<br>';
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