Posted by Veronica Karlsson on 05/16/06 19:47
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?q=&url=www.backwater-productions.net
> >>
> >> The quarter MILLION or so people who visit my server seem to think
> >> otherwise.
> >Have they emailed you and told you what they think or are you just
> >assuming that they must like it because of how many they are?
> ...if they didn't like em, why would my ranking continually increase?
Is this "ranking" based on something human, like interviews with users,
or some kind of technical measurement, like "hits" or something? IOW,
what does it *mean*? (clue: "many hits" != "readers like it")
> Boy, you sure do look STUPID when you try and justify your blatant
> idiocy.
> >> See you can say my sites suck as much as you want...
> >"sites"? I was just commenting on one page (the one you mentioned at the
> >beginning of this thread), and that one does suck.
> So what sucks about it?
Do you think it would be a good idea for me to tell you that? Surely
it's enough information to tell you that it does suck?
> You know, pushing aside your blatant penis
> envy and desperate need to lash out at something you personally are
> wholly incapable of EVER coming close to producing. Oh snap, there I
> go beatin up long side yer fat ugly head with that 'ol bitch reality,
> ne?
> >> but your
> >> NONpinions aren't worth shit without some relevant argument behind
> >> them.
> >What? You mean, like, communicating with you and tell you *why* it
> >sucks? Why should I do that?
> Well, for starters NOT looking like a bumbling fuckin retard...then
> again maybe you're okay with that. *shrugs*
That doesn't answer my question. Is there some reason why I should
motivate why my opinion is what it is?
> >> And the bottom line is that you stupid, jealous fools HAVE NO
> >> arguments, all you have is whiney little bitch snits about how much
> >> you covet my work.
> >Huh? (Doesn't that word mean... ?)
> >
> >*looks up "covet"*
> >
> >No, I do not covet your work.
> So you just REALLY like that circa 1996 porn site look, huh?
AFAIR, ca 1996 porn sites were very popular (though I don't see what
that has to do with your blog page).
> >> The majority of you pathetic fools couldn't even
> >> DREAM of creating a site as advanced as some of the ones I've put
> >> together.
> >1. advanced != good
> You sounda like...cave man
> You...no lika teh...advancement
> *grunt* *grunt*
> Fire...pretty...but burn stupid caveman
> *grunt*
> Fire...no good
The fact that your tool is newer does not automatically make the things
you build with it better.
> >2. I have seen no evidence of your page being "advanced".
> Cupcake, you're so the fuck far outta yer league you wouldn't know
> advanced if it suddenly crawled the fuck up yer ass and EXPLODED.
The page did not look one bit "advanced" to me.
> >> Fact of the matter is...yer just a bunch of fuckin poser
> >> ass wannabes. So if you don't like my sites, if you wanna sit there
> >> dribbling in yer pullups and start whining about how much you think
> >> they "suck"...log the fuck off, Stupid, go somewhere else, cause I
> >> sure as FUCK didn't make ANY of sites for trainable muppet fuck
> >> tweenage Ritalin addicts like you stupid kids.
> >You posted the link in a newsgroup. You got comments. Live with it!
> You got your comments ripped apart and then got all smacked up like a
> stupid bitch. Pull up yer wet lil Huggies, dry yer eyes and learn to
> fuckin deal already.
Your page still sucks.
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