Posted by Ian Davies on 05/16/06 20:50
Thanks for the feedback
I sorted it out. I had created a dynamic page in dreamweaver from a
template and the following line is automatically placed at the top of the
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
All my other pages I have either not used dreamweaver to create them or have
deleted this line. On deleating the line the css style was displayed
Out of interest does anyone know what this line does exactly
"Neredbojias" <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> wrote in
message news:Xns97C3493635FFFhttpwwwneredbojiasco@
> To further the education of mankind, "Ian Davies"
> <iandan.dav@virgin.net> vouchsafed:
> > I have a class in a style sheet to make text x-large.
> > However it behaves differently on different pages. The text is large
> > on one page, as it should be but not on the other even though the text
> > on both pages uses the same style
> >
> > anyone know why this happens?
> There are a number of reasons why it could happen but which one's the one
> is significant.
> --
> Neredbojias
> Infinity has its limits.
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