Posted by Knut Krueger on 05/17/06 07:25
Spartanicus schrieb:
> Knut Krueger <knut-krueger@usa.com> wrote:
>>I would like to fix the height of some table cells
> That suggests that you are abusing tables, they should be used for
> tabular data, if you do then there should be no need to fix the height.
> ^
Ok back to the internet of the 80th - Text only.
1. Question
Did you ever looked at the source code of any page with pictures for the
2. question do you have any other suggestion for the problem exept tables
further answers from other guys:
do not use frames, do not use Iframes, do not use java if possible do
not use javascript and from you do not use tables ..
conclusion : Text only see above.
Thanks for your help :-)
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