Posted by dorayme on 05/17/06 10:58
In article <anc8cln1h838.dlg@markparnell.com.au>,
Mark Parnell <webmaster@clarkecomputers.com.au> wrote:
> Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, dorayme
> <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> declared in alt.html:
> > Much
> > funny business goes on in trying to control this situation due to
> > not exactly obvious ways the browsers handle the space for the
> > list markers - even when they are absent.
> Not sure if this is quite what you are asking, but I always start my
> stylesheet with
> * {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
> then apply the desired padding and margins to each element. That way all
> browsers are applying the same padding and margins as each other (bugs
> excepted).
I suppose I better make up an example... bit busy but will as
this rather bugs me...
I agree one should start your way... but the problem is deeper...
Have you used negative margins to get the list to come a bit
closer to the left? Or given less than what one would intuitively
give when allowing a margin (of say 290px) for a left floated pic
(say 300 wide) so that the list sits closer to the pic (with no
list markers needed)
btw. I am greatly hampered by the crappy unreliable Windows box I
have. Fancy having to fork out just to see what my sites look
like in IE! Please, no one suggest online browser capture images.
It is hopeless this way. :)
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