Posted by J.O. Aho on 05/17/06 08:55
Ian Rutgers wrote:
> Situation:
> A user fills out a form and when submitted, the contents of the form (text
> and variables) are sent in an email to a specified user. After the page has
> been submitted a "Thank You" page is displayed. Each of the forms will have
> fields with their unique form field names.
> What I would like to do is pass the data to the Thank you page and have it
> process the data and send the email.
> Here is some of the code on the "form" page
> <?
> //email variable declaration
> $message = ' '; //first we make sure the message string doesn't hold any
> junk
> $email_hunger = $_POST['hungry_heart'];
> $email_liar_lunatic = $_POST['liar_lunatic_true'];
> // now we build the message of the email
> $message = "Hunger:" . $email_hunger ."\n" . "Liar Lunatic" .
> $email_liar_lunatic;
> session_start();
> $_SESSION['message'] = $message;
> ?>
> And then on the mail page I have ....
> <?
> //email variable declaration
> $email_to = "person@abc.com";
> $email_subj = "the form name";
> $from_address = "bill@def.com";
> // now we build the message of the email
> session_start();
> echo $_SESSION['message'];
> $the_message = $_SESSION['message'];
> // now we send the email
> mail($email_to, $email_subj,$the_message,"From: $from_address"); //send
> the message
> ?>
> When I did things this way, Hunger and Liar Lunatic make to the body of the
> message, but not the contents of $email_hunger and $email_liar_lunatic.
> What I am doing wrong ... is there a better way???
> Thank you
> Signed ... a rookie from Canada!
Just make one script
//email variable declaration
$message = ' '; //first we make sure the message string doesn't hold any
$email_hunger = $_POST['hungry_heart'];
$email_liar_lunatic = $_POST['liar_lunatic_true'];
// now we build the message of the email
$message = "Hunger:" . $email_hunger ."\n" . "Liar Lunatic" .
//email variable declaration
$email_to = "person@abc.com";
$email_subj = "the form name";
$from_address = "bill@def.com";
// now we build the message of the email
// now we send the email
mail($email_to, $email_subj,$message,"From: $from_address"); //send
the message
echo "<html><head><title>Thank You</title></head><body>Thank You!<br>you
wrote: $email_hunger and $email_liar_lunatic</body></html>";
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