Posted by robert on 05/18/06 16:53
| Wow, your scraping for material here. I'm making simple observations
| not pulling apart pieces of text.
scraping? lol. i let the REST of the grammatical errors go and went with
only a few simple corrections i'd hoped you be able to grasp. there were
PLENTY of others. did you know your "otherwise" sentence, in addition to
being a run-on, is also an incomplete sentence? i can fully correct your
entire post...but THAT would be scraping.
my point is that YOU are trolling and i simply called you on the carpet,
pointing out that even though i don't use the shift key, you certainly are
not qualified to correct my grammar nor punctuation...as both are
superlative. ;^)
| I guess it just goes to show you have *far* too much time on your
| hands.
i like to keep busy and often visit here when i'm waiting for conference
calls and the like. you'd have no idea how i spend my time and what
activities consume what portions. i imagine time-management is a foreign
concept to you outright.
| As for the 'style of an eight yr.old'... Well I think your setting a
| pretty good example.
i have responded in kind to match you posting maturity...my first post that
prompted your behavior was completely serious. your offering to it was a
joke. and you wonder why i think you're a tard?!!!
| Still not found the 'ole shift key? It's right there above Caps Lock,
| and I know you use that for screaming to your friends about the latest
| teeny bopping sensation while your on AIM.
shift key is BELOW the fucking caps lock key...and below the enter key. any
more helpful advice you'd like to proffer? ergonomic keyboard? what's the
brand and model? i don't know of ANY that change the actual location of the
keys...just where they are in relation to elevation and angle under the
make you a deal. you show me *good* grammar AND punctuation, and i'll think
about my one fault...not capitalizing. you're a cad!
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