Posted by Neredbojias on 05/19/06 09:16
To further the education of mankind, Jonathan N. Little
<lws4art@centralva.net> vouchsafed:
>> Wow, that is rare. I used to, uh, help raise chihuahuas when they
>> were considered semi-rare. (-Don't ask...)
> Chihuahuas, now they are vicious little beggars!
Well, they can be, but they can also be very loyal and sweet. Think of
dorayme with whiskers being wooed by Luigi on a hot Venician night.
>> One time in college I went out on a buddy's dad's farm before
>> Thankgiving to "gather" turkeys for the holiday. Yeah, right... A
>> suit of armor wouldn't have been too much protection.
> Really? I've raise chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Geese were by
> far the most troublesome, turkeys well they sort of live up to their
> name!
Well, these were wild turkeys. Maybe there's a special kind, I dunno.
Anyway, we had to wear leather suits like chaps and a top, and I defy
anyone to try and catch one of those buggers in street clothes.
>> > Everything was fine until they 'upgraded' their servers about 2
>> > years ago (major expansion?). They now have some strange config
>> > where the static content is handled by one set of servers and
>> > dynamic on others. The result reared its ugly head when my 404
>> > handling script failed. Redirects cannot be done without a full URL
>> > so that a dynamic URL rewritten to appear as a static URL will not
>> > work, the real dynamic one will always appear in the address bar.
>> > Kinda blows with current trends to interface with a MySQL database!
>> > SO I am hosting hunting...
>> The worst part about the whole thing from my point of view is I only
>> vaguely understand it... I kinda get the dynamic vs. static thing
>> but not the "...dynamic URL rewritten to appear as static..." This
>> could be because my brain is dynamic except when it gets a lot of
>> static.
> What I mean by static vs dynamic is to a static page like:
> www.somedomain.com/somepage.html
> where as one can use CGI to dynamically generate a page or pull from a
> database:
CGI=="Can't Get It"... :)
> www.somedomain.com/catalog.cgi?partno=abc123&size=3
> Now normally you can take dynamically created pages like:
> www.somedomain.com/articles.php?topic=widgets&date=20060412
> and with a .htaccess write the url to give the appearance of a static
> url:
> ^articles/([a-z].*)/[\d]* article.php?topic=$1&date=$2 [L]
> and the url becomes:
> www.somedomain.com/article/widgets/20060412
> Much nicer, but I cannot do this on FatCow the way the have their
> servers configured
Okay, I see, and good explanation. Never knew you could do that,
although I have used an .htaccess file before (-to prevent non-site
access to images, etc.) Maybe Fatcow's getting too fat for their own
Infinity has its limits.
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