Posted by JDS on 05/19/06 16:56
On Thu, 18 May 2006 15:03:57 -0700, red_dragon2983 wrote:
> Well, to me, that's considered emulating, which truthfully, I've been
> doing for a while (around December 23rd 2005 to be exact!) But if I
> must continue, then so be it. One of these days, I will get something
> that I will truly enjoy and keep.
It is now May 19, 2006.
May 19 - Dec 26...
That isn't even five full months! I realize it is all relative, but even
by a young person's standards (say, high school age) 5 months shouldn't
really be considered "a while" for a subject as rich and variable as,
well, as *anything* having to do with computers, HTML included.
Not trying to give you a hard time here, just understand that I, for
example, still "emulate", as you put it, and I have been doing this stuff
since 1997.
JDS | jeffrey@example.invalid
| http://www.newtnotes.com
DJMBS | http://newtnotes.com/doctor-jeff-master-brainsurgeon/
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