Posted by bie2 on 05/19/06 15:46
>A shot in the dark: change 84 to convert(numeric, 84). If that does not
>cut it, please answer the questions below:
Nothing changed.
>How many rows are there in Items?
>Exactly what indexes are there on the table? Please indicate which
>indexes that are clustered.
On DATAS ID is a clustered Index
>Can you run the query preceeded by SET STATISTICS PROFILE ON, and
>post the output?
0 1 SELECT DISTINCT I.ID, I.ZDID, I.IDF_Family, I.Description FROM
Items as I, Datas as D WHERE D.IDF_Item = I.ID AND I.IDF_Family =
convert(numeric, 84) AND D.Date BETWEEN '5/18/2006' AND
'5/18/2006' 2 1 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL 18.225489 NULL NULL NULL 63.874825 NULL NULL SELECT 0 NULL
0 1 |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER
REFERENCES:([D].[IDF_Item])) 2 3 1 Nested Loops Inner Join OUTER
REFERENCES:([D].[IDF_Item]) NULL 18.226202 0.0 7.6185526E-5 110 63.874825 [I].[Description],
[I].[IDF_Family], [I].[ZDID], [I].[ID] NULL PLAN_ROW 0 1.0
0 1 |--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY:([D].[IDF_Item]
ASC)) 2 4 3 Sort Distinct Sort DISTINCT ORDER BY:([D].[IDF_Item]
ASC) NULL 18.226202 1.1261261E-2 4.4788996E-4 16 63.866585 [D].[IDF_Item] NULL PLAN_ROW 0 1.0
0 1 | |--Clustered Index
Scan(OBJECT:([AccessReporting].[dbo].[Datas].[PK_Data] AS [D]),
WHERE:([D].[Date]='May 18 2006 12:00AM')) 2 5 4 Clustered Index
Scan Clustered Index
Scan OBJECT:([AccessReporting].[dbo].[Datas].[PK_Data] AS [D]),
WHERE:([D].[Date]='May 18 2006 12:00AM') [D].[Date],
[D].[IDF_Item] 41.490025 56.721283 4.9664497 78 61.687733 [D].[Date],
[D].[IDF_Item] NULL PLAN_ROW 0 1.0
0 0 |--Clustered Index
Seek(OBJECT:([AccessReporting].[dbo].[Items].[PK_Items] AS [I]),
SEEK:([I].[ID]=[D].[IDF_Item]), WHERE:([I].[IDF_Family]=84) ORDERED
FORWARD) 2 6 3 Clustered Index Seek Clustered Index
Seek OBJECT:([AccessReporting].[dbo].[Items].[PK_Items] AS [I]),
SEEK:([I].[ID]=[D].[IDF_Item]), WHERE:([I].[IDF_Family]=84) ORDERED
FORWARD [I].[Description], [I].[IDF_Family], [I].[ZDID],
[I].[ID] 1.0 6.3284999E-3 7.9603E-5 101 8.1532737E-3 [I].[Description],
[I].[IDF_Family], [I].[ZDID], [I].[ID] NULL PLAN_ROW 0 18.226202
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