Posted by ironcorona on 05/19/06 21:45
thedarkman wrote:
> I have a file called say watch_this.html
> and a file called play.mp3
> now how do I link to play direct?
Have you tried just linking directly to the file? is it on a local hard
disk? if so try
<a href="file:///C:/blahblahblah/play.mp3">play</a>
and if it's on a web server
<a href="">play</a>
Providing you have a plugin that allows it this should play in your
browser. If not it may ask if you wish to download it.
> a link to a webpage; I have no problems linking pictures with img
> src="pic.jpg" but can't get this to work with the mpg.
I don't understand. Did you try linking it to an image? as in
because that wouldn't work. <img> is used for images only.
Brian O'Connor (ironcorona)
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