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Re: fixed background not working

Posted by bluerobot2007 on 05/20/06 02:55

That "the background image" thing is not the I said in
the post, I just made it say that to protect her privacy. It's a normal
image tag that works fine and is not part of the problem....


Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> wrote:
> > Yes that is what I thought. But if I take the HTML at the top out, it
> > takes the whole background out. Same with the CSS at the bottom.
> >
> > How can I re-do it so it works??? I tried to put the style rules in the
> > head using only the CSS (taking out the HTML at the top, and the extra
> > body part at the bottom) & it didn't work...
> >
> > This is making me a mad man. A MAD MAN, I TELL YOU!
> >
> > Please have mercy on me.
> >
> With markup like this:
> <img src="http://the background image" /img>
> there is no hope.
> --
> Take care,
> Jonathan
> -------------------



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