Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/21/06 11:32
Starman <iknowbutidontknow@yahoo.com> scripsit:
> Some how I'm getting the following inserted on my webpage between text
> words:
> ÂfÃfÂ,Ã,Â,ÃfÂfÂ
Your newsreader does not declare the character encoding of your message, so
US-ASCII is to be implied, making octet C2 (hexadecimal) undefined. So even
this part of the problem (what you actually see) is unspecified.
You haven't specified the URL, and you haven't told which authoring tool you
are using. Don't expect useful answers before you specify them.
> What is causing this
Well, the hell just froze over (Finland won the Eurovision contest), and I
guess that explains pretty much everything.
> and how do I fix it?
Join us.
> I tried deleting the characters, but everytime it seems to return.
It's either your authoring tool, or a curse upon you. Normally I'd vote for
the former, but now...
> I never had this
> problem before, but today it seemed to appear.
Right. After all, the hell _just_ froze over.
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