Posted by W Luke on 10/04/46 11:17
On 30/05/05, Brian V Bonini <b-bonini@cox.net> wrote:
> > Again, an example that is as close to your real-world needs as possible
> > would be very helpful.
> The original request was: "the text-to-replace is just in a var named
> $text1".
> I read that to mean you'd already extracted "<^JIM_JONES>" into $text1
Sorry - my mistake/fault. $text1 always begins with <^JIM_JONES> by
is followed by various other stuff:
<^JIM_JONES> Leicester, 1720. Oxford, 1800 CONFIRMED: meeting at 19.10
And I'd like it to read, simply, JIM JONES: (I think having the name
in Caps would be best for now) and leave the rest of the text
JIM JONES: Leicester, 1720. Oxford, 1800 CONFIRMED: meeting at 19.10
Things like "Leicester" need to be capitalised, and CONFIRMED needs to
be in caps, so...hope this explains things a bit better. And if
you're both too busy, no problem!
Will The Corridor of Uncertainty http://www.cricket.mailliw.com/
- Sanity is a madness put to good use -
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