Posted by "Richard Lynch" on 10/21/46 11:17
What you are doing wrong is ignoring the error messages MySQL is storing
for you...
On Mon, May 30, 2005 12:37 pm, janbro said:
> Hi List, I don't know where else to look. I've got PHP 5.0.0 and MySQL
> 4.1.3. (on Windwows XP with Apache 2.0.50)
> Here is my Code: the Query with the delete is not executed and I don't
> know why. If I copy it into the MySQL Command line like it is here,
> everything works fine. I have another example with a more simple delete
> which works (same syntax)
> If I replace the delete with the insert statement it works.
> What 'am I doing wrong here?
>> public function DeleteOldFails (){
>> $conClas=$this->con();
>> $con=$conClas->mysqlConnect ();
>> $query = "DELETE FROM LoginTracker WHERE
>> 3600;";
>> // $query ="INSERT INTO LoginTracker (IPAttack, User) VALUES
>> ('','user')";
>> echo "$con<br>Diesen Auf ERFOLG TESTEN! LÖSCHT ER WAS ER SOLL?
>> <br>$query<br>";
>> print $con->query($query);
echo mysql_error();
>> $con->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE LoginTracker ");
>> $this->discon ($conClas, $con);
>> }
> thx
> janbro
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