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Re: Bizarre CSS problem with "absolute" positioning - Help!

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/22/06 17:20

David Smithz wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <> wrote in message
>> Did you set a width on that DIV?
> No I had not, and on doing so, on my first initial testing (two tests) it
> seems to of fixed it!
> So thank you.
> So what happens then, without a width does it just decide its own width and
> this messes things up a bit?

If you do not set a width than the div will extent to the edges of the
viewport overlapping your 'visible' div acting link a sheet of glass
over your 'clickable' bits!

> Also, anyone know a good page with a clear description what the differences
> between ex, em px etc. ( I know px is pixel but I do not understand the
> others and am looking for a page which just neatly describes them).

Nothing like the source!

Take care,




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