Posted by cssbug on 05/22/06 19:45
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ cssbug@hotmail.fr ] on Sunday 21 May 2006 00:45 \__
> You also posted this to alt.html (as well as
> comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets). How come?
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm going crazy with this bug. If someone could give me a hint. In IE
> > http://acheval.privatedns.com/new/cssbug.asp has a crazy scroll bar
> > that goes left and right while navigating through the navigation pages
> > at the bottom.
> I believe that the Internet Explorer team has set up a Bugzilla clone for
> bugs to be reported by the public. IE is a buggy browser. Don't wrestle with
> it. It wastes your time.
> > It does not happen if the page is shorter and has no image. As soon as
> > I put images in the css tables ( loop ) in the middle and ask for more
> > than 10 rows, it goes weird.
> >
> > is there any attribute to replace the scrollbar to the 100% width ?
> I believe there is some 'magic method' for making the scrollbars disappear in
> IE (as disturbing as the user may find it, change of colour likewise). You
> can use it as a workaround. CSS can achieve this as well, I suspect, but
> interoperability is compromised.
> Best wishes,
> Roy
Thank you for your answer Roy, It's appreciated.
I have installed Ie7 beta and this bug disapeared. So I guess I'll just
have to make a different style sheet with no position fixed for <= IE6
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