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Re: A new web authoring wiki?

Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 10/05/34 11:48

Toby Inkster <> scripsit:

> After the lesson of AMF, I think we need to go better than a service
> hosted by some company somewhere which coule wind up at any time.

After the lessons of Tom Boutell's web authoring FAQ (which was once the
Great One, though mainly because it was the only one, then became very dusty
before it was decently buried), WDG's web authoring FAQ (which became almost
abandoned), and now AMF, I'm rather pessimistic about web authoring FAQs.
Oh, I had some experience with's FAQs too, though mainly only with
the JavaScript FAQ there, and seems to be virtually frozen now -
they still have a huge number of questions and answers, though largely due
to duplication, and often with _wrong_ (or outdated) answers.

New FAQs are born, they grow and then degrade, since people who created them
have to take some day job, or take their day job seriously, or they find
other issues more interesting. In particular, when new people get the idea
of contributing to the community via FAQs, they regularly start building a
new one, instead of giving help to something that exist, or volunteering to
take responsibility for them. (The wiki approach gives the illusion of
shared responsibility, but as we know, shared responsibility means that
nobody takes responsibility.)

So I guess my advice is: if you wish to work on FAQs, find one that has
chances of survival and reasonable existing content, and try to help with
it. Building yet another one would probably result in something that becomes
almost as good as some of the current dusty FAQs before you lose interest in



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