Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 10/05/29 11:48
Knut Krueger wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty schrieb:
>> If you used JavaScript to maximize my window, I'd be
>> gone from your site in an instant. It's my browser.
> No, I would try to determinate whether the menu bar is fitting in the
> browser window. If not, I would be disable the fixed position.
Possible, but only if JavaScript is enabled, then you would have to
rewrite your page.
> I am using PHP and therefore I could change the Layout. But the problem
> is to get the information. That's not possible with php.
> If there would be a information with Java Script I could use it. If
> JavaScript is disabled I must use unfixed menus.
...and necessitating a second call to the page, as I see it.
> I that case I would not annoy anybody but would serve a fixed menu bar
> for user like me - i like it :-)
> But I hate, like you, fixed windows, resized window and such JavaScript
> stuff.
That's good to hear. <g>
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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