Posted by Ed Mullen on 11/06/37 11:48
Knut Krueger wrote:
> Ed Mullen schrieb:
>> Knut Krueger wrote:
>>> Jonathan N. Little schrieb:
>>>> I am not sure if the new IE7 does
>>> yes it does just installed the IE7 but the menues are over the
>>> textfiled.
>>> by the way is it possible to use IE version 6 and 7 in one system?
>>> Regards Knut
>> When you install IE7 it uninstalls IE6. If you uninstall 7 it will
>> restore 6. You can "sort of" run both but not with full
>> functionality. The setup process is a bit tricky but I did get it to
>> work. The only thing I use either IE for is testing of pages. Here
>> are some links you can peruse.
> I have another other machines with IE6.0 So I do not need not to use
> some "tricky" setup ;-)
Understood. I have several machines available as well, one of which I
did the hack install to have both versions of IE available. The others
have only one.
> But what are professional webdesigner doing. It seems to be impossible
> to test all avaliable versions of browser. and as I can read from
> Beauregard , there is somtehing wrong, using his browser. My 6.0 is
> different from Jonathans ....
> Regards Knut
My understanding from when I looked into it is that you can:
1. Run one or the other with full functionality, but not both.
2. Run both with limited functionality.
3. Use two machines, one for each version.
4. Use a dual-boot or virtual machine to get full functionality on a
single machine.
As to why two versions of IE6 are acting differently, beats me, other
than possible sub-version/build differences or add-ons.
Ed Mullen
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as
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