Posted by meowmix on 11/15/44 11:48
On Wed, 24 May 2006 18:22:52 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
<fuck-you.ya.cunt@kiss-my-big-black-ass.com> wrote:
>Onideus Mad Hatter <usenet@backwater-productions.net>, the dreaded,
>unemployed resident of a street where numerous factory workers on night
>shifts live, and who goes from house to house using a long pole to knock
>on bedroom windows, hung crepe:
>> On Wed, 24 May 2006 17:16:03 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
>> <fuck-you.ya.cunt@kiss-my-big-black-ass.com> wrote:
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_Usenet/Kadaitcha_Spammer.png
>Your MO is showing. When it's been pointed out to you that you slap your
>maggot far too often, you resort to posting stupid links in a vain effort to
>convey words and ideas that you lack the brains to articulate. You utterly
>sad fuckstain.
i said something similar the other day and he went all spazy about
usenet and such. i don't think he's anywhere as near as bright as he
thinks he is. my guess is 15w tops.
mhm x v i x i i i
alcotrol labs r&d
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